
Top 4 business podcasts you should be listening to

If you’re bored of the local radio station banter, podcasts might be the answer. While it’s still “talk radio,” there are some key differences—podcasts aren’t bound by the clock and they’re not designed to please everyone at once. Instead, chart-topping podcasts are often put on by experts in their respective fields, making them an excellent replacement for the endless barrage of pop culture news. So turn that mindless commute into something productive with these top four business podcasts:

  1. How I Built This 
    Hosted by Guy Raz, “How I Built This,” shares the stories of entrepreneurs and innovators, starting with their very beginnings. Some of the profiles have been on the founders of Warby Parker, Patagonia, Airbnb, Samuel Adams, and Instagram. Episodes not only include an exploration into the business savvy of these individuals, but they also include an excellent look into the industries these companies compete in, offering a complete picture.
  2. The Tim Ferriss Show
    Widely considered a staple in business podcasting, “The Tim Ferriss show” casts a much wider net in terms of topics explored. The author of “The 4-Hour Workweek,” keeps his content fresh by inviting guests on from all areas of life—even ones not necessarily related to business. Wonderfully practical, Ferriss mines for the strategies and practices that made his guests successful. This is pretty great considering some of his guests include Peter Thiel, Malcom Gladwell, Tony Robbins, Edward Norton, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  3. The Dave Ramsey Show
    Need to be inspired to knock out some of that debt? Start by subscribing to “The Dave Ramsey Show.” This podcast is filled to the brim with practical advice and tips for managing your money, getting out of debt, and building wealth. Guests call into the show to present their financial situation and Ramsey helps them come up with a detailed plan for changing it—typically to get out of debt.
  4. Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly
    The youngest podcast on the list, “Make Me Smart with Kai and Molly” looks at what everyone can’t stop talking about in economy, technology, and business, and then they explain the topic in an interesting and easy-to-understand way. You may have heard them on NPR’s “Marketplace” segment. For example, on their first episode they discussed how Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and YouTube plan to join the fight of stopping terrorist content from spreading online. In the course of their discussion they explain complex things like metadata, digital fingerprints, and censorship.

To listen on your iPhone, simply download the Podcasts app and then search the names of these podcasts. To listen on your Android phone, be sure to download the Stitcher app in Google Play. For listening on your computer, just click the links following the description of each podcast.

Guest Blogger: Michael Wanta
Michael is an intern at TDS, tennis coach at Edgewood College, and also a graduate student studying sustainability and business. In his spare time, he plays music, does open mics, and reads (a lot).

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