Tag Archives | HR Tips

Your social media might be the reason you’re not getting hired

According to The Muse, one in three employers reject candidates based on what they find online. Here are some tips for maintaining and protecting your social media identity.
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HR Insider: Resume pitfalls to avoid

Writing a resume can be difficult -- how do you sum up your career in just a few bullet points and sentences? We’ve compiled a list of the top 5 things NOT to do on your resume so you don’t stand out for the wrong reason!
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Professionals are leaving HR on “read”

“You mean he/she left you on read?” It sounds all too familiar in our dating lives. It’s an example of “ghosting,” the newest method used to end a relationship, or convey that you’re not really interested. It’s reading someone’s message and not responding, well, ever.
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10 commandments of kitchen etiquette in the workplace

Follow these commandments, and you'll be sure to keep your colleagues happy. As the new year approaches, it's time to consider how some old habits might be affecting those around you...
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Hispanic Heritage Month: An employee’s perspective

"I had to look it up, because it's really an American Holiday," said Luis Chavez, lead software engineer, in the spirit of full disclosure. After doing a bit of research, Luis was happy to talk about the sentiment behind National Hispanic Heritage Month and its impact.
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Tips for a great summer event

Ready for a break in routine and a fun, relaxing time at a summer office party?
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