5 easy things to do in 2015


There are a lot of great articles about how to start your New Year off on the right foot. Most of them are filled with good advice about how to be more productive, get rid of bad habits, and be a healthier and happier person. Unfortunately, 92% of New Year’s resolutions fail. Why? Because they’re too hard. Some experts suggest you focus on the process (eat healthier, for example), rather than the result (no more junk food). And while I think that’s probably sound advice, I’m going to take a different tack. Instead of trying to create new habits, how about trying to do some new things just once (one time!) in 2015:

  1. Go out to lunch with someone new
    We all get into bad lunch habits, whether it’s eating at our desk or eating with the same clique every day. Just once, invite someone different out for a bit to eat. Even if you don’t talk shop, you’ll probably gain a broader perspective on your business or maybe even a new Indian buffet buddy (seriously, there’s little more important than having a reliable Indian buffet partner).
  2. Write a good review
    2015 gives us a fresh start. We’ll eat right and exercise more. We’ll work hard and play harder. It’s going to be the best year ever! Then, before you know it’s the end of January, there’s a foot of snow on the ground and you’re five hours into a Game of Thrones marathon. What happened? It’s so easy to get dragged down by the daily grind. It’s sounds almost too simple, but one easy way to break away from that negativity is to do something positive. So, got a Christmas present you love? Review it on Amazon. Write up your favorite restaurant on Yelp. Leave a nice comment on a blog article you liked. It’s amazing, thinking about things you like makes you happier! Who knew?
  3. Make a new industry friend
    Connect with just one new person in your field in 2015. It could be someone you’ve actually met in person or it might be someone you only know virtually. The point is that you’ll have someone that feels your pain, understands your challenges, and can be an ideal, objective sounding board.
  4. Shop somewhere you’ve never been before
    Whether it’s a website or an actual physical store, shopping somewhere new to you will potentially give you a chance to see new ways of advertising, customer service, merchandising, staffing, etc. Working in digital marketing, I will often browse and shop on new websites precisely to see what kinds of emails they send, how they organize their website, etc. You never know what is going to inspire you, so get out of your rut and shop around.
  5. Listen to a talk
    Just like with shopping, you never know who is going to inspire your next great idea. It could be a speaker you see at a conference, a lecture at a university or even a Ted Talk. Time is precious, but so is knowledge, so vow to listen to at least one new person in 2015.

So what are your ideas for simple, single things to tackle in 2015?

About Kris Prusynski

Kris works on the Commercial Marketing team at TDS Telecom and helps TDS achieve their online objectives through digital marketing and website optimization. She has worked in the digital marketing space for over 15 years, in product categories as diverse as shoes, banking, beds and pig farming supplies (really!). Kris has both undergraduate degrees and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin - Madison and therefore bleeds Badger red. She’s a veteran blogger on topics ranging from digital marketing to Wisconsin fish frys to the sweet necessity of ugly office sweaters. Nowadays, you’re more likely to find her on Twitter or Google+ trying to decipher the mysteries of A Song of Ice and Fire. In her spare time, you can find Kris kayaking, hanging out at the dog park, or thinking about lawn care.

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